The Soul to Soil Permaculture Workshop: From Waste to Fertility: Building Soil Fertility with Compost, led by ecologist Nance Klehm and staged at the Qatar University Plant Nursery on 19 March 2016 was supported by SAIC (Al Sulaiteen Industrial Complex). Landscape engineers and gardeners from Qatar University took part alongside students, professional architects and landscape designers, local school children and their teachers.
SAIC continues to support the College of Engineering, Qatar University, in its work with students creating sustainable landscapes that contribute to food security and biodiversity on the Qatar University campus, and to collaborate with the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qatar University (DAUP) to support events and projects on sustainable landscape projects at the University. (SAIC website).
From Waste to Fertility: Building Soil Fertility with Compost
Qatar University Nursery and Female College of Engineering Permaculture Garden
8:30 – 12:00pm
Nancy Klehm, artist, ecological systems designer, landscape/horticultural consultant and permaculture grower, founder of Social Ecologies, Chicago, USA
Luzita Ball, certified permaculturist, Qatar
Paige Tantillo, certified permaculturist, Qatar
Dr. Anna Grichting, architect-urbanist, Qatar University